Course to be led by Faith Formation Director Anthony Bueche MATS.
This was the central question for the bishops and other council fathers when they gathered together in Rome back in the 1960s. Our world has changed a lot since 1900, but we the Church still have the responsibility to preach and handover the Gospel to all peoples.
Many minds today use the Council in order to justify their ideas or positions on church issues. If we know the teachings of the Council for ourselves, we will be able to parse through these positions and offer our own contributions to the conversation about the Church's role in the contemporary world. Knowledge about the Church's relationship to the world around it is key in taking part in the work of evangelization.
2025 is the Jubilee Year of Hope in which Pope Francis has granted an indulgence to all those who study the council documents. This is why we as a parish have chosen to approach this topic and subject now.
Over the course of the semester, we will cover the four constitutions which were promulgated by the Council:
Dei verbum - Constitution on Sacred Scripture
Sacrosanctum concilium - Constitution on Sacred Liturgy
Lumen gentium - Constitution on the Nature of the Church
Gaudium et spes - Constitution on the Church in the World
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This study will be offered on Thursdays at two times: A morning section from 10AM-12PM and an evening section from 6:30PM-8PM. There will be 19 total sessions which begin on January 23rd and end on June 5th. Registration is $35. You will receive a book to go along with the study. The study will take place in Servant Hall.
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