If this is your first time requiring assistance from a food pantry, it is encouraged that you call to verify the timings and eligibility requirements. This will allow for organizations to better assist you. Thank you.
St. Thomas More Church
10330 Hillcroft Street
Houston, TX 77096
HOURS: Tuesday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
BRING: Photo ID, proof of residence (current lease), and utility bill
Baker-Ripley Neighborhood Center
6500 Rookin Street
Houston, TX 77074
Braes Interfaith Ministries
4300 West Bellfort Street
Houston TX 77035
Mon/Wed/Fri 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Catholic Charities
Mon to Fri 8:00 AM to 12 PM & 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Multiple Locations
Christian Community Service Center
3434 Branard Street
Houston TX 77027
Mon-Fri 10AM-2PM, Sat 9AM-12PM
6856 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston TX 77074
Mon-Fri 10AM-1PM, Sat 9AM-12PM
Christian Rescue Mission
3229 Hadley Suite A
Houston, TX 77004
Open 7 days a week. Apointment required.
City Wide Club
Tues to Thurs 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Community Family Center
Targets Hispanic comminity.
Emergency Aid Coalition
Supplements families with food supplies while waiting on food stamps, TANF, SSI, etc.
First Baptist Church
8244 Long Point Road
Houston, TX 77055
Gulf Coast Community Services
9320 Kirby Drive
Houston, TX 77054
House of Amos
8030 Boone Road
Houston, TX 77072
M-Th 9-12 and Sat. 10:00 AM ot 12:00 PM
Fresh food 3rd Tuesday of each month from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Brown bag lunches every Saturday for children (first come first served).
Houston Foodbank Locator
ICNA Relief
5645 Hillcroft Ave. 405, Houston TX 77036
Tue-Fri 4PM-6:30 PM, Sat 12PM-2PM
Love Feast Food Pantry
4922 Bostic St
Houston, TX 77016
Salvation Army
Multiple Locations
Assistance for those not currently receiving food stamps.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul (no zip code restriction)
6654 Gulf Freeway
Houston TX 77087
1st, 3rd and 4th Saturday morning starting 8:00 AM
Wesley Community Center
1410 Lee Street
Houston, TX 77009
Windsor Village
6011 W Orem Drive
Houston, TX 77085
Call Monday mornings at 9:00 AM
Program information on this resource page is subject to change. We recommend
calling to confirm the information listed above.
Text: FOOD Envie el Texto: ALIMENTOS
To 855-308-2282 a 855-308-2282
Houston Food Bank (HFB): The website lists 250 food distribution partner sites, summer meal sites, SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) application assistance.
HFB help line: 832-369-9390
VSC (Vincentian Services Center), 6654 Gulf Freeway, Houston, Texas 77007
Hosts a food fair 1st, 3rd and 4th Saturday of the month 8am to 10am.
Take care of yourself: At different times we all feel the stress and strain of social isolation. Below are numerous organizations' phone numbers and websites to support you and your loved ones during this time.
◦ Catholic Charities Crisis and Mental Health Support line at 713.874.6590.
◦ Texas Health and Human Services: toll-free at 833-986-1919
(24/7 statewide mental health support line to help Texans experiencing anxiety, stress or emotional challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
◦ Harris Center/Mobile Crisis Outreach Team: 713.970.7000 and press #1 for the Crisis Line (they operate 24 hrs)
◦ Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone: 1-800-273-TALK
◦ NAMI HelpLine, 1-800-950-6264, M-F, 9 am - 5 pm
◦ For immediate crisis, call 911
◦Maintaining Positive Mental Health During COVID-19 Outbreak – MHA of Greater Houston
◦Mental Health And COVID-19 – Information And Resources – MHA of Greater Houston
◦MHA Resource Guideline and Phone Numbers [PDF] – MHA of Greater Houston
◦FAQ on COVID-19 and mental health [PDF] – NAMI
◦Harris County Public Health – Mental Health Matters
◦Healthy Ways to Deal with Mental Stress [PDF]
◦Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks [PDF]